Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a roller coaster!

Running for me is like riding a roller coaster, there are ups and downs, parts that are scary and parts that are thrilling. This part of my "ride" seems to include some pretty major ups and downs. In my previous entries, I have talked about a couple of bad training runs: the downs. But yesterday I again climbed a hill and am feeling the thrill of the up!

I completed my second day of week two. Again, my run included a 5 minute warm-up followed by 15 minutes of running and one minute of walking completed 3 times. I was focused during my entire run, I was mentally strong and used my time thinking of everything except for running. I even took my gym towel and covered the treadmill (as not to look at the amount of time remaining) and ran with very little trouble. The minutes went by so fast and the miles just went from one to five so easily. It was a great run!

It is really amazing to me how running is such a mental sport. Never before would I say that it is much more mental than physical, perhaps because when running I was always panting, and gasping for breath. But now that I have my breathing under control, my shin splints are healed, and my stride is getting better, I find myself struggling only with my mind.

Many times during my run, I have to re-focus my attention on something other than my running, how my feet are landing, my shoulders, etc. I try to take a vacation in my mind, remove myself from my body, and just relax. However, every now and then, I start to focus on my running, on my breathing, on my feet and then I tell myself to slow down, or take a break, just walk for awhile. It is this mental activity that creates poor training runs for me. It is my thoughts that convince my body to stop running, or to slow down. Mentally it is draining, try not thinking about something for one hour, and all you want to do is think about that one thing. If I asked you not to think about ice cream for one hour straight, but you are surrounded by ice cream, surely you would have the thought pop into your head.

That is how running is for me. I run best, when I don't think about running at all. And once I think about running, it goes downhill from there. I wish I could listen to music while I run, I think that would take some of the pressure away, but I cant! (I will explain in a later blog!).

Ahh, for now I will just continue to think happy thoughts, wish for warmer weather, and keep running strong!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Not every run is going to feel good

After finishing C25k, I needed a training program that would push me forward to running more miles. I found "Bridge to 10k" which is for graduates of the C25k program, perfect right? Well, I thought it would be perfect, I thought it would be fairly easy to follow this program and be able to run a 10k in six weeks. I started B210k last week. My last week's workout was 5 minute walking warm up, followed by four sets of run 10 minutes walk 1 minute. The first two sessions were good, and I was very confident about running. I had this feeling that I could really run as far as I wanted, things were very good! The third workout of the week proved me wrong, it was awful from the first minute of running and even though I thought it would get better, hoped it would get better and even prayed it would get better, it didn't. I did however, finish the workout, I wouldn't let myself give up, but my confidence was low, and I felt really awful. For the very first time, a terrible sense of doubt filled my mind, and I seriously questioned if I was actually going to be able to continue with my workouts and reach my goal of running a 1/2 marathon.
So on Sunday, I went to the Running Room, to be surrounded by all things "running" and to get some inspiration to continue, to remind myself that not all runs are going to be great, or feel great! That there is some pain involved in this sport.
Yesterday, I pushed all my fears and feelings of failure aside, and I went to start week #2 ( three reps of15 minutes of running, and 1 minute of walking). Again, I had a hard time, I struggled keeping the pace I wanted to keep, and I was sweating more than I have ever sweated before. I had to stop after my first 15 minutes because of a stomach cramp, but I got back on that treadmill and continued the second set and finished the third set (slowly, but finished!).
Yesterday was also a day that I set aside to really get a start on my Lazyman's Tri. Which involves completing a Iron Man Tri in five weeks time. After my run, which totaled 5 miles (holy crap!) I biked 12 miles and hit the pool for a 3/4 mile swim. The swim was really great, it seemed to stretch all my sore muscles and was actually pretty relaxing. Overall I lost 4lbs yesterday! Of course, I do understand that it was just water and the weight will be back in a few days. But I can live in the moment, can't I?
I thought I would be really sore this morning, and paying for the 3 hours I spent in the gym yesterday, but I am feeling pretty good, my calves are sore, and my feet are slightly achy, but overall I feel good.
Today is my day off, and I am pretty excited not to have to pound my feet on the treadmill today. I might go swim tonight for some added exercise and to stretch everything out. We will see if I am motivated enough to do so.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Actually Running!!

It is now about 12 weeks into my running journey. I have regained my confidence since the "shoe incident" and have been struggling to find a suitable training program for the next step of my journey. I have been watching my miles for about the last two weeks, running 2 or 3 miles for each one of my workouts, and not really knowing how to go further. Luckily, I found the "Bridge to 10K" running program. It starts right were C25K leaves off.
I started my first day of training on Monday. I was nervous about the length of the training (55minutes), but was excited to again be able to cross each workout off of my calendar. I was so excited that I created my very own fancy workout calendar (picture coming soon!), just to make the completion of each workout that much more enjoyable to cross off.
This program consists of 6 weeks of workouts, starting and ending with the mandatory 5 minute warm-up/cool-down. This week's workout is run 10 minutes walk 1 minute: repeat 4 times. This is how the workout went for me:

first 10 minutes: I can do this, this isn't bad at all, I have run ten minutes multiple times, no problem
second 10 minutes: I think I should quit after these ten minutes, I cannot believe that I am not even 1/2 way done. Ugh, this is not fun!
third 10 minutes: I am actually going to throw up!! I am going to puke all over this treadmill! Hey, wait, this isn't so bad, I can do this! Wait, I am having fun....
fourth 10 minutes: I am running!! I CAN do this!! I am a runner!! Woo hoo!!

My pain was all mental, my breathing was even and steady, my legs were feeling good. I just had a mental block for during the second mile, and it carried over into the beginning of the third mile. After about 2.25 miles, I was relaxed and enjoying my run. I hope this doesn't happen all the time!

The pain I was feeling on the treadmill was mental, but once I got off, the pain was real. My legs were tired and sore. I stretched, hoping to be able to walk in the morning, and went to bed. Somehow I was alive and pain-free on Tuesday....!!!

I have to run again today and I am looking forward to it, I feel like a runner!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

I never want new shoes again!

Shoes from Hell! Favorite shoes!

Okay, it is said that girls LOVE shoes. That is pretty much true. I love looking at shoes, I love touching shoes, and I love thinking about getting new shoes, but the truth of the matter is when it comes to actually buying new shoes, it is a process that causes me great stress and many tears.
You see, I have very large feet, size 11 to be honest. I have struggled to find shoes that fit my whole life, and until recently I have had very unattractive shoes, because most shoe makers do not make shoes for Big Foot!
Running shoes have also always been a problem because of the way my foot is shaped. It is very long and narrow but with a wide toe box (as it is called!). Therefore I need a shoe that lets my toes move and breath, but holds my heel in tight. I found some really great running shoes this past summer and have really enjoyed them. However, through all of the reading I have done on running and running marathons, I have read that one must have a few pairs of shoes broken in, just in case one gives out before the race. So, being the rule follower that I am I set off to get a second pair of the shoes that I am currently running in.
Of course, this would be no small task, as anything that involves shoes and my feet never is easy. My local sports store was no longer carrying the particular shoe I wanted. Instead they had a very similar version which the clerk said would "propel you forward, and make your running effortless!" SOLD!! Anything to make me run easier, I don't care what it costs, I have to have it!!
These shoes felt pretty good in the store, nice and tight in the heel, enough room to comfortably wiggle each toe. And with the added ease in running I was sure these would be my favorite shoes. Did I mention they were cute too?
I was really excited to get in the gym and try my new "wonder shoes" out. However, because I had been running 4 days in a row, I needed a rest day, and had to wait a whole day until to try out my new shoes.
Finally it was time to use my brand new shoes, and the experience was nothing short of a horror movie!! Even from the first seconds of running, I could tell that these shoes were like none other, they pinched my toes, and rubbed on my heel, but I told myself that it was just because they were new, and they would start to feel better as my run progressed. Boy, was I wrong, the pain in my toes became even worse, I felt like the flesh was melting off of my big toe, my heel was starting to blister, and I continued running, hoping that these "wonder shoes" would suddenly start working their magic! I ran three miles before I finally admitted to myself that these shoes simply would not work for me.
Peeling the shoes off of my feet, I looked at the mess they had caused. My big toes were red, the skin rubbed off, and bleeding. I had two big blisters on my heels. Wonder shoes these were not!
Luckily, I bought them at a store that offered a 15day trial, and could return them for another pair that would work better. I returned them the very same day, I wanted those devil-shoes out of my possession!
Again, the store did not have the shoes that I wanted, but offered me a different brand, and made no claim that the shoes would help me become a better runner. I ran with much difficulty for three day, putting blister covers on my heels and friction guard on my toes. Even my favorite shoes did not fit like they once had, and I was worried that I would never run again. It took me a few days to get up the courage to try out my new shoes. I went for a short run the first day of use: not too bad. The heel is not as tight as I would like it, but the toe box is perfect and really allows my foot to relax. I have run in these shoes 3 times now, and they are comfortable, THANK GOD!!
But I also found my favorite shoes online and bought 2 pairs, because I never want to have to look for new running shoes again!!! At least not until my 1/2 marathon is over!!