Thursday, January 20, 2011

What a roller coaster!

Running for me is like riding a roller coaster, there are ups and downs, parts that are scary and parts that are thrilling. This part of my "ride" seems to include some pretty major ups and downs. In my previous entries, I have talked about a couple of bad training runs: the downs. But yesterday I again climbed a hill and am feeling the thrill of the up!

I completed my second day of week two. Again, my run included a 5 minute warm-up followed by 15 minutes of running and one minute of walking completed 3 times. I was focused during my entire run, I was mentally strong and used my time thinking of everything except for running. I even took my gym towel and covered the treadmill (as not to look at the amount of time remaining) and ran with very little trouble. The minutes went by so fast and the miles just went from one to five so easily. It was a great run!

It is really amazing to me how running is such a mental sport. Never before would I say that it is much more mental than physical, perhaps because when running I was always panting, and gasping for breath. But now that I have my breathing under control, my shin splints are healed, and my stride is getting better, I find myself struggling only with my mind.

Many times during my run, I have to re-focus my attention on something other than my running, how my feet are landing, my shoulders, etc. I try to take a vacation in my mind, remove myself from my body, and just relax. However, every now and then, I start to focus on my running, on my breathing, on my feet and then I tell myself to slow down, or take a break, just walk for awhile. It is this mental activity that creates poor training runs for me. It is my thoughts that convince my body to stop running, or to slow down. Mentally it is draining, try not thinking about something for one hour, and all you want to do is think about that one thing. If I asked you not to think about ice cream for one hour straight, but you are surrounded by ice cream, surely you would have the thought pop into your head.

That is how running is for me. I run best, when I don't think about running at all. And once I think about running, it goes downhill from there. I wish I could listen to music while I run, I think that would take some of the pressure away, but I cant! (I will explain in a later blog!).

Ahh, for now I will just continue to think happy thoughts, wish for warmer weather, and keep running strong!

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